Het Simon Wiesenthal Center, een internationale Joodse mensenrechtenorganisatie die zich focust op het in leven houden van de herinnering aan de Shoah en het bestrijden van antisemitisme, heeft op 15 juli een persbericht uitgestuurd betreffende de steeds verslechterende situatie van het antisemitisme in België sinds 7 oktober. 

Het FJO heeft in consultatie met het SWC meerdere casussen onder de aandacht gebracht die de prangende situatie vandaag de dag schetsen. Wij danken het SWC voor het krachtige bericht dat zij hebben verspreid.

“SWC Highlights Alarming Rise in Anti-Semitism in Belgium Since October 7th” – July 15, 2024

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) has noted a significant rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Belgium since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th. The Jewish community in Belgium has reported a fivefold increase in anti-Semitic incidents, heightening fears and insecurity.

The SWC has noted several particularly egregious incidents:

  1. Belgium National TV Broadcaster Interrupts Eurovision Semi-Final: In May 2024, the national broadcaster interrupted the Eurovision semi-final to spread anti-Israel propaganda, using a popular event to disseminate anti-Semitic and inflammatory content.

  1. French Police Track Suspects to Belgium: Also in May 2024, French police tracked 3 suspects involved in the defacement of the Paris Holocaust Memorial to Belgium, showcasing the cross-border nature of anti-Jewish acts.

  1. Publicly Funded Arts Center Refuses Jewish School Event: In June 2024, the director of Antwerp’s Monty Hall canceled a Jewish school’s event, citing Israel’s actions in Gaza as “genocide.”

  1. Belgian Holocaust Memorial Defaced: In June 2024, the Monument to the Righteous of Belgium was vandalized with graffiti stating, “Escalate for Palestine, everyone.”

  1. Football Match Cancellation: In June 2024, Brussels refused to host a football match between Israel and Belgium due to the security fears of hosting an Israeli team.

  1. Threats and Physical Attacks by Student Activists: In June 2024, a Jewish woman reported being threatened and pelted with objects by student activists in Brussels. The activists called her derogatory names and threatened her and her dog.

  1. Vandalism at Universities: In June 2024, graffiti at the Free University of Brussels included slogans calling for the destruction of Tel Aviv and anti-Israel messages, indicating a troubling trend of anti-Semitism in academic settings.

  1. Desecration of Resistance Fighters’ Plaque: In June 2024, a plaque commemorating WWII resistance fighters in Brussels was defaced with a swastika, symbolizing the hatred targeted at Jewish symbols and history.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, SWC Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said: “The rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Belgium is alarming and unacceptable. It is imperative that authorities take immediate and concrete actions to protect the Jewish community and combat these hate crimes.”

Daniel Schuster, Senior Representative of Europe for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, added, “If Belgian authorities allow anti-Semitism to continue rising unchecked, the future for Jews in this country will be in jeopardy.”