Voor diegenen die nog twijfelden is hier de bevestiging vanwege M. Abbas dat Anti-Zionisme = Anti-Semitisme!
PA-president Abbas hield afgelopen maandag een toespraak tijdens een sessie van de Palestijnse Nationale Raad in Ramallah. In de speech – die hij zelf een “geschiedenisles” noemde – passeerden allerlei antisemitische samenzweringstheorieen de revue.
Volgens Abbas is de Holocaust niet ontstaan door antisemitisme, maar door “sociaal gedrag” van de Joden. De PA-president noemde hierbij het “berekenen van rente en andere financiële kwesties.”
Volgens de Palestijnse president Mahmoud Abbas is de oorzaak van de Holocaust niet antisemitisme, maar het gedrag van de Joden. Daarnaast bestaat er geen Joodse connectie met het land Israel en werkten de zionisten samen met Hitler, aldus de PA-leider.
Israel werd door Abbas een “Europees project” genoemd. De mensen die streefden naar de creatie van een Joodse staat zijn volgens de Palestijnse leider “niet-Joods.” Dit keer trachtte de Palestijnse president zijn beweringen kracht bij te zetten door te beweren dat de Joden in Israel geen echte Joden zouden zijn, maar slechts afstammelingen van de Chazaren. In januari deed de PA-president ook al dergelijke uitspraken, toen noemde hij Israel “een koloniaal project dat niets met Joden te maken heeft.”
In de toespraak van afgelopen maandag ging de antisemitische PA-leider nog een stap verder. Abbas beweerde in zijn speech dat Adolf Hitler de immigratie van Joden naar Israel faciliteerde. “Wat Wilde Hitler?” vroeg hij zich hardop af. “Hij wilde dat het Joodse thuisland hem steunde.” Wie de geschiedenis echter kent, weet beter. Overigens komen de verwerpelijke uitspraken van de Palestijnse president niet als een verrassing: in 1982 behaalde de PLO-voorzitter zijn doctoraat met een proefschrift waarin hij de Holocaust bagatelliseert en beweringen doet over samenwerkingen tussen Hitler en zionistische leiders.
Ondanks al deze verwerpelijke denkbeelden en de overtuiging dat Israel “een koloniaal project” is, wil Abbas naar eigen zeggen de Joden niet verdrijven. “We willen met hen samenleven op de basis van twee staten, een Palestijnse staat en Israel volgens de grenzen van 1967.”
Toespraak “een nieuw dieptepunt”
De antisemitische toespraak van Abbas kon op zware kritiek vanuit Israel rekenen. “De Holocaust ontkennende Abu Mazen heeft in het Arabisch onthuld wat hij in het Engels verbergt: dat hij aan het hoofd staat van hen die opstoken tegen het bestaan van de Joodse staat in het land van Israel.” Aldus onderminister van Buitenlandse Zaken Tzipi Hotovely. Volgens Hotovely is Abbas “geen vredespartner, maar een tegenwerkende kracht die vrede onmogelijk maakt.”
Volgens minister van Onderwijs Naftali Bennett is de Pa-president “doordrenkt met antisemitisme van hoofd tot teen.” Likoed-Knessetspreker Yuli Edelstein noemt Abbas “een kleine en irrelevante man,” die heeft onthuld wat hij daadwerkelijk van Israel en de Joden denkt.
De Amerikaanse ambassadeur in Israel David Friedman noemde de speech van de PA-president een “nieuw dieptepunt.” “Aan allen die denken dat Israel de reden is dat we geen vrede hebben, denk opnieuw,” aldus Friedman. De Amerikaanse gezant Jason Greenblatt bestempelde de uitspraken door Abbas als “zeer ongelukkig, zeer schrijnend en vreselijk ontmoedigend.” Volgens Greenblatt “kan vrede niet op een dergelijke fundering gebouwd worden.”
Abbas wijst vredesplannen af
Abbas maakte tijdens zijn toespraak ook van de gelegenheid gebruik om opnieuw de Amerikanen als vredespartner af te wijzen. Sinds president Trump Jeruzalem als hoofdstad van Israel heeft erkend, ziet de PA-leider in de VS niet langer een betrouwbare onderhandelaar. Hij liet de Palestijnse Nationale Raad weten dat er “stevige stappen tegen Israel en de VS” worden voorbereid.
De PA-president ging ook in op het vredesvoorstel van de toenmalige Israelische premier Ehud Olmert van tien jaar terug. Volgens de Palestijnse leider is dit plan bewust gedwarsboomd door het corruptie-onderzoek tegen Olmert destijds. Abbas zal echter toch echt zijn hand ook in eigen boezem moeten steken, daar hij zelf destijds dit vredesplan afwees.
Abbas also cited a theory that Ashkenazi Jews do not hail from what is modern-day Israel, but rather Khazaria.
Jews in Europe were massacred for centuries because of their “social role related to usury and banks,” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Monday.
Abbas made the statement in a speech at the beginning of a meeting of the Palestinian National Council, a top PLO body that is convening in Ramallah this week to elect members to two other PLO institutions.
The comments marked the second time in several months that the 83-year-old Palestinian leader spoke about his take on Jewish and Zionist history. In a speech in January at a meeting of the PLO Central Council, Abbas discussed his perspective on Jewish and Zionist history, arguing Israel is a “colonial project with no relationship to Judaism.”
His comments in January were met with a highly critical response and accusations of antisemitism by Israeli government officials and Jewish organizations and overshadowed other remarks he made about coexistence and nonviolence.
Abbas’s remarks on Monday appear to reflect that the PA president has become less concerned with the ramifications of making comments that Israel and much of the international community likely reject.
“From the 11th century until the Holocaust that took place in Germany, the Jews – who moved to Western and Eastern Europe – were subjected to a massacre every 10 to 15 years. But why did this happen?” Abbas said on Monday, before interjecting, “The Jewish issue that was widespread in all European countries… was not because of their religion, but rather their social role related to usury and banks.”
He said his comments were based on the writings of Karl Marx and two other Jewish authors.
Esther Webman, an expert on Arab perspectives of the Holocaust, said Abbas’s remarks on the persecution of Jews are inaccurate.
“[His statement] certainly is not accurate, because Nazism wanted to annihilate Jewish people wherever it is,” she said in a phone call. “An ideology, such as Nazism, that wants to erase all Jews is against Jews. The argument that Jews were killed for their social role is nothing more than an excuse that was used to justify the annihilation of Jews.”
During the Holocaust, the Nazis and their collaborators murdered some six million Jews.
Abbas also cited a theory that Ashkenazi Jews do not hail from what is modern-day Israel, but rather Khazaria, an empire that was located between Eastern Europe and the Middle East hundreds of years ago.
“Arthur Koestler, an American-Jewish Zionist, wrote a book about the 13th tribe… Where did you get the 13th from? They invented them. Where? In the Khazar Kingdom. When? In the ninth century,” Abbas said. “This kingdom was not religious and then it became Jewish… It later broke up, and all of its residents moved to Europe. These people are the Ashkenazi Jews. They have no relationship to Semitic culture, Abraham, Jacob and others.”
There were 12 Israelite tribes.
Koestler was not an American.
Koestler and some other historians such as Shlomo Sand have argued that Jews from Central and Eastern Europe are the descendants of Khazars.
However, Alexander Beider, a scholar of Jewish studies, and other academics have dismissed the Khazar theory about the origins of European Jewry. In an article in The Daily Forward in 2017, he called the theory “junk science.”
“The theory is absolutely without evidence,” Beider wrote. “As any historian will tell you, generations of Jews, like generations of any people, leave historical traces behind them. These traces come in multiple forms. For starters, people leave behind them historical documents and archeological data. Predictably, archaeological evidence about the widespread existence of Jews in Khazaria is almost nonexistent.”
In his speech, Abbas also reiterated that Israel is “a colonial project” and that Jews were not backers of building a Jewish state in historic Palestine.
“Now let’s talk about the homeland of the Jews,” he said. “They say they are yearning for Zion… History says this is baseless. The proof is that the first person to call for a Jewish state was Cromwell, the British leader, in 1653… Napoleon Bonaparte came after him [and said the same thing]. And after [Napoleon], Churchill, the grandfather, came in 1840 [and said the same thing]… So everyone was calling for a Jewish state, but not the Jews… The story of building a national home didn’t come from the Jews, but rather the colonial states.”
According to Abbas, the European leaders wanted to plant “a foreign people” in Palestine as a way to impress conflict and division in Arab states and thereby maintain control over them and exploit their strategic location.
He also said Nazi Germany made efforts to help to create Israel and cultivate a supportive population there.
Abbas said the Nazi Economy Ministry and the Anglo-Palestine Bank made an agreement that any Jewish German who wanted to immigrate to Palestine could have his or her tangible and intangible assets transferred there.
“Did Hitler love the Jews to this extent?” Abbas asked rhetorically. “What did Hitler want? He wanted the Jewish homeland [in Palestine] to be supportive of him.”
Nazi Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank and the Zionist Federation of Germany agreed in August 1933 to the Haavara Agreement, which allowed Jews to relinquish their possessions in Germany in exchange for payouts when they arrived in Palestine.
Nonetheless, Abbas clarified that he still wants to coexist with the country in a two-state solution.
“[Israel being a colonial project] does not mean that we should uproot them,” Abbas said. “We are not saying that… We want to coexist with them on the basis of two states, a Palestinian state and Israel on 1967 borders.”
Abbas also said the Ramallah-based Palestinian leadership is in favor of building ties with Israeli supporters of peace.
“We are with the supporters in Israel,” he said. “We want to cooperate with them to build peace in Israel and the region… Thus, there is communication. We will continue to communicate with those who want peace and those we expect want peace.”
Later in his speech, Abbas eschewed violence as a means to oppose Israel’s military rule in the West Bank, offering his support for “peaceful, popular resistance.”
[Foto: Mahmoud Abbas_30042018_screenshot YouTube]
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