Een 16-jarig Deens meisje is formeel aangeklaagd wegens het voorbereiden van bomaanslagen op twee Joodse scholen in Denemarken.
De pas recent tot de islam bekeerde jonge vrouw wilde met de springstof TATP (ook wel acetonperoxide genoemd, een zeer instabiele springstof die al tot ontploffing gebracht kan worden met eenvoudige middelen als warmte, beweging of zelfs statische elektriciteit) dood en verderf zaaien in een Joodse school in Kopenhagen en één ten westen van de Deense hoofdstad. TATP is ook gebruikt bij de aanslagen in Parijs, waarbij 132 mensen stierven. In april zal ze worden voorgeleid.
Ze voelde zich – volgens haar Facebookprofiel – verbonden met Hizb ut-Tahrir, een extremistische groep die een kalifaat wil stichten in Europa. …
Haar plannen werden ontdekt door een Amerikaanse militair, Bradley Grimm, die door spionage verkregen documenten gelinkt aan terroristen kon koppelen aan dit complot in Denemarken en door razendsnel te handelen hoogstwaarschijnlijk de levens van honderden Joodse kinderen heeft gered. Hij kreeg hiervoor een hoge Deense onderscheiding.
“Denmark: Teenager charged with planning to bomb Jewish school”
A Danish woman who planned to bomb a Jewish school in Denmark will now stand trial.
A Danish prosecutor stated Sunday that a woman has been formally charged with planning bomb attacks against two schools in Denmark.
Prosecutor Lise-Lotte Nilas said that the 16-year-old girl is accused of “having made preparations to make bombs” using the explosive known as TATP, which was used in the November Paris attacks that killed 132 and wounded hundreds.
Nilas said her targets were a school west of Copenhagen and a Jewish school in the capital.
According to local reports, the attack was inspired by Islamic terrorism.
Denmark’s The Local reported that the would-be-terrorist has been described as a recent convert to Islam, and one of her neighbours told the tabloid BT that her Facebook page indicated that she wanted to convert other Danes to Islam.
Denmark’s TV2 also reported that the teen’s profile page indicated that she was a member of Facebook group for ethnic Danish members of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an Islamic group that openly supports the establishment of a caliphate in Europe and that has been at the center of numerous controversies in Denmark.
Police thwarted the plans by arresting the girl a year ago. A trial is set to start in April in Holbaek, northwest of the Danish capital.
Charges against a 25-year-old man, initially believed to an accomplice, have been dropped.
Neither the charged terrorist nor the man could be identified.
A US Army officer, Cpt. Bradley Grimm, was instrumental in thwarting an attack when he developed a system that uncovered and ultimately prevented the terror plot to bomb the Jewish school in Denmark, the Pentagon said in April last year.
Grimm “helped develop a system to speed the flow of intelligence from here on the ground to various national capitals…Brad’s work likely saved the lives of Danish citizens.”
Grimm obtained “actionable intelligence” from “captured documents” that came from foreign fighters tied to Denmark.
Grimm was awarded the Danish Defense Medal for Special Meritorious Effort.
By: AP and World Israel News Staff
CIDI/AP/World Israel News Staff – foto: bewakers voor een Joodse school (illustr.)