Het ” Amud Aish Memorial Museum ” in New York opent einde dit jaar een Expo over de Ondergedoken Kinderen gedurende W.O.II.
Zij zijn op zoek naar “Speelgoed – brieven – kleine voorwerpen – fotos enz.” voor hun Expo.
Het Museum zou U zeer dankbaar zijn indien u deze voorwerpen aan hen voor één jaar zou kunnen lenen.
Extra info via Régine Suchowolski gsm nr. 0485757344 of per email naar fjo@fjo.be
The Amud Aish Memorial Museum (AAMM) is a living memorial to all the victims of the Holocaust.
However, our mission is to present the history of the Holocaust with special emphasis on the values and perspectives of
religiously observant communities throughout Europe.
We are the only Museum in the world that represents traditional faith-based Jewish victim experiences before, during and immediately following the Holocaust.
We are located in the heart of Boro Park, Brooklyn, home to the largest concentration of Holocaust survivors and their descendants outside the State of Israel. The Amud Aish Memorial Museum has two annexes: one in the new main reception building of The Western Wall Plaza in Jerusalem, and another on the campus of Beth Medrash Govoha (BMG) in Lakewood, NJ, the largest yeshiva in the United States. Though based in Brooklyn, the Amud Aish Memorial Museum is an international institution, partnering with The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland, The Kazerne Dossin Museum in Belgium and other institutions and governments throughout the world.
Why This Memorial Museum Matters
Only by understanding the full cultural diversity of the Jewish victim experience can we hope to narrate the complete history and memory of the Holocaust.
We owe this to the Jewish people.
Become an Amud Aish Memorial Museum Partner
Join us by contributing to the development of a truly unique Museum experience that explores the vital history of European Jewry in its’ darkest moment. Become a Memorial Museum Partner.