Gisteren heeft Federica Mogherini, Hoge vertegenwoordiger voor het buitenlands en defensiebeleid van de EU, aangekondigd dat zij de oprichting van een Europese Taskforce specifiek bevoegd voor antisemitisme steunt en het heeft voorgesteld aan hiervoor bevoegde EU Commissie vicevoorzitter, Frans Timmermans.
Reeds in juni 2014, na de aanslag in het Joods Museum te Brussel, hadden de heer Eli Ringer (FJO) en Baron Julien Klener (CICB) het idee gelanceerd voor het oprichten van een Europese Taskforce specifiek bevoegd voor antisemitisme. Dit initiatief werd toen mede geadopteerd door alle Europese vertegenwoordigers van de Joodse gemeenschappen. In januari van dit jaar werd dit onderwerp nogmaals aangehaald bij de Belgische Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Didier Reynders. We kunnen concluderen dat de zaken langzaam maar zeker in beweging komen. Lees hieronder het artikel van gisteren in de Jerusalem Post.
“EU’s Mogherini calls for creation of European taskforce on anti-Semitism” – By Sam Sokol – JPost – 11/3/2015
Senior European official endorses plan to establish body tasked with combating anti-Semitism across continent.
After months of calls by Jewish leaders, a senior European Union official has voiced support for the creation of a continental task-force on anti-Semitism. …
In a statement published in Italy’s La Republica, European Commission President and High Representative of Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini endorsed the idea and stated that she had passed on a policy recommendation to that effect to Frans Timmerman, the EU Commissioner dealing with issues of fundamental rights.
“I transferred the idea to (EU commission vice-president) Frans Timmermans, who has the formal authority in this issue, and we are already working on various initiatives,” she said, according to a translation of the statement published by the EU Observer.
In January a delegation from the European Jewish Congress stated that in the wake of the recent attack by Islamists against Paris’s Hyper Cacher kosher market which killed four Jews, it is incumbent that the EU ramp up its efforts to protect its Jewish citizens.
The following month a Jewish man was shot by a Muslim man as he stood watch outside a Copenhagen synagogue.
… Mogherini’s statement “illustrates how, slowly but surely, the European authorities are taking the highly necessary initiatives to concretely confront the problem of aggressive and murderous Jew hating on the continent,” Baron Julien Klener, the President of the Consistoire Central Israèlite de Belgique, told the Jerusalem Post.
European Jews will only be able to measure its impact outside of the realm of words, once the task force is set up, he cautioned.
Eli Ringer, the past president of Belgium’s Forum der Joodse Organisaties, said that his country’s Jewish leadership intends to meet with Timmerman in the near future to continue lobbying for pan-European action. …
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JPost – foto: Federica Mogherini, Hoge vertegenwoordiger voor het buitenlands en defensiebeleid van de EU