wateroverlast in Gaza (screenshot) [AFP]Door de recente winterstorm in Israël en de omgeving heeft ook Gaza grootschalige overstromingen gezien. Voor de Palestijnse Autoriteit en hun media-supporters, is het echter niet voldoende om de zware regen als oorzaak aan te geven. Er moet een manier zijn om Israël te beschuldigen van de wateroverlast, en dus verspreiden ze leugens over een onbestaande dam die Israël zou geopend hebben.

Na talrijke emails en bewijzen ( van HR en Camera.org) hebben AFP en Daily Mail hun artikels aangepast.

Hopelijk hebben zij hun les geleerd en zullen ze in de toekomst de feiten nazien voordat ze publiceren.

“Gaza Flood Libel Updates: AFP and Al Jazeera”

Following CAMERA’s communication yesterday with Agence France Presse and Al Jazeera concerning news reports which falsely alleged that Israel had caused flooding in the Gaza Strip by opening dams, the French wire service has pulled its video from several Web site, and both news outlets have issued updated reports casting the false Palestinian charges as a “he said/she said” dispute, as if the facts could not be determined. …

As of press time, neither media outlet has published a correction making clear that their earlier reports which had stated as fact that Israel caused flooding in Gaza by opening dams were false.

AFP’s video was accompanied by the caption “Gaza village flooded as Israel opens dam gates,” and includes an accusation by Ead Zino, a resident of Al-Maghraqa: “Every four years there is a war but here in Maghraqa every year there is a flood. This water comes from Israel. This is political. All Israel wants is to destroy us.” (In fact, Ead Zino referred in Arabic to “the Jews,” but AFP translates him as referring to Israel.) .. .http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_context=2&x_outlet=147&x_article=2948

Honest Reporting: “Dam Busted: Palestinian Lie Exposed” http://honestreporting.com/dam-busted-palestinian-lie-exposed/

& “Dam Busted Pt. 2: More Dam Lies” http://honestreporting.com/dam-busted-pt-2-more-dam-lies/

“Europe: Media spreads conspiracy theories against Jews”

Following a major winter storm that caused flooding all over, the Palestinian Authority accused Israel of ‘opening up the dams’ in order to flood Gaza on purpose.

The accusations are, of course, baseless. http://antisemitism-europe.blogspot.co.il/2015/02/europe-media-spreads-conspiracy.html

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“Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley”


Honest Reporting / Camera.org – foto: wateroverlast in Gaza (screenshot) [AFP]