Federica Mogherini, Hoge vertegenwoordiger voor het buitenlands en defensiebeleid van de EU“European Parliament postpones vote on recognizing Palestine” – 25/11/2014
Motion is expected to pass on December 18; Denmark to vote on recognizing Palestine in January

The European Union has delayed voting on recognizing Palestine by three weeks as the exact wording of the bill has not been agreed upon by lawmakers.
Various aspects of it’s recognition will be discuss on Wednesday in Strasbourg, reports the Israeli website Times of Israel, and the EU’s new foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is expected to be in attendance.

Israel has welcomed the delay, with Foreign Ministry spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon saying “We hope that the postponement of the vote to the December session will give European Parliament members ample time to rethink and reconsider, and to understand that support for the recognition of a Palestinian state is counterproductive as long as it does not come as a result of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.” … http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/52278-141125-european-parliament-postpones-vote-on-recognizing-palestine

Kijk ook naar de Youtube video van Europarlementariër Frédérique Ries tijdens de debatten op 26/11/2014 in Straatsburg:
YouTube Frédérique RIES 26 Nov 2014 plenary speech on Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy – Recognition of Palestine statehood

Europarlementariër Frédérique Ries tijdens de debatten op 26/11/2014 in Straatsburg

Le parlement européen reporte le vote sur la reconnaissance de la Palestine
Le phrasé exact de la motion pose problème aux législateurs; Jérusalem s’est dit satisfait de cette décision.

Le Parlement européen a décidé de reporter de 3 semaines le vote sur la reconnaissance de l’Etat palestinien car les législateurs ne sont pas parvenus à un consensus sur le phrasé exact de la motion, a rapporté mardi le Times of Israel, citant des sources israéliennes et européennes.

Le Parlement européen devait débattre et voter sur la motion jeudi, mais a ajourné le vote jusqu’au 18 Décembre prochain….

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i24news – foto: Federica Mogherini, Hoge vertegenwoordiger voor het buitenlands en defensiebeleid van de EU