Jewisch refugee from Arab CountryIt’s official: Jewish Refugee Day becomes law

A bill marking a national day to recall Jewish refugees from Arab countries and Iran today became law in the Israeli Knesset. Maariv reports:

The State of Israel will on 30 November every year mark a national day to recall the departure and expulsion of Jews from Arab countries and Iran, according to a bill proposed by MK Shimon Ohayon (Likud Beiteinu) and approved this evening at its second and third readings in the Knesset plenum.

Ohayon, chairman of the Lobby for Jewish refugees from Arab countries, said: “For many years, Israel ignored the history of Jews in Arab countries and Iran, and has neglected the story. Today a historical injustice is being corrected. Starting this year, each child will learn and recognize that in Israel a tragic episode happened in Jewish history. ” …

He said, “Too few people are aware of the issue in Israel and in the world even less. Many are not aware that Jews suffered ethnically cleansing, persecution and pogroms in the Arab world. Some 850 thousand Jews left behind assets and considerable property – double the number of Palestinians who left their homes in Israel by 1948. These Jews were not involved in the conflict or war, and suffered only because they were Jews. When talking about a peace agreement – an important first step in the Arab world is that it should be taking responsibility for what was done to these ancient Jewish communities. “

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Jewish Refugees Blogspot – foto: Joodse vluchteling uit Arabische landen (illustratie)