Onder druk van de Arabische Liga annuleert UNESCO op het laatste nippertje de Parijse tentoonstelling over 3500 jaar geschiedenis van het Joodse volk in het land van Israël: “le Peuple, le Livre, la Terre” (“People, Book, Land”)
EXCLUSIVE: UNESCO Pulls Jewish Exhibit After Last Minute Protest From Arab League – The Algemeiner
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, has pulled a Jewish exhibit two years in the making, entitled “People, Book, Land – The 3,500 Year Relationship of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel,” after a zero hour protest from the Arab League, The Algemeiner has learned.
The exhibit, which was created by Los Angeles-based Jewish human rights group the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) together with UNESCO, …
was scheduled to open on January 20th, 2014, at UNESCO’s Paris headquarters. The invitations had already gone out, and the fully prepared exhibition material was already in place. The display was co-sponsored by Israel, Canada and Montenegro.
Rabbi Marvin Hier, Dean of the SWC, told The Algemeiner that the move was an “absolute outrage.” “The Arabs,” he said, “don’t want the world to know that the Jews have a 3,500-year relationship to the Land of Israel.”
Hier said that his organization, which is accredited by UNESCO as an NGO, worked in intimate co-operation with the international body on the project, which his center initiated after the Palestinian Authority was unilaterally accepted as a UNESCO member state in 2011.
“We made a clear attempt to work with them and the system, they can’t say they were blindsided, they commented on every sentence (in the exhibit’s materials) and still, in the end, the Arabs protested and they kicked us out,” he said.
“It is not supposed to be a place of censorship,” Hier said, “It is not supposed to deny one nation the right to their history.”
“The Arab world doesn’t know that Isaiah didn’t live in Portugal, Jeremiah didn’t roam France and Ezekiel wasn’t from Germany.”
UNESCO informed the SWC of the change on January 14th in a letter to the Center’s Shimon Samuels, asserting the Arab League’s claim that going ahead with the show “could create potential obstacles related to the peace process in the Middle East.”
In a letter to Irina Bokova, president of UNESCO, President of the Arab group within UNESCO, Abdulla al Neaimi, from the United Arab Emirates, expressed “deep worry and great disapproval” over the program showing the age old connection between Israel and the Jewish people. … http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/01/16/breaking-unesco-pulls-jewish-exhibit-after-last-minute-protest-from-arab-league/
UNESCO : “Le Groupe Arabe annule l’expo sur le Peuple Juif et la Terre” – JForum
Une exposition, organisée mardi 21 janvier à l’UNESCO, par le Centre Simon Wiesenthal, l’Ambassade du Canada et plusieurs autres instances prestigieuses, sur “le Peuple, le Livre, la Terre”, vient d’être annulée par Mme Irina Bokova, sur simple sommation du groupe arabe qui truste cette institution de l’ONU.
Gerelateerde artikels: “Le Peuple, Le Livre, la Terre: 3 500 ans de relations entre le peuple juif et la terre d’Israël”, au siège parisien de l’UNESCO
The Algemeiner – foto: Irina Bokova (UNESCO) met Rabbi Marvin Heir in Los Angles na instemming de tentoonstelling te organiseren