Bekijk volgende fotoreportage (blog) van de “quenelle” of “omgekeerde nazi-groet”, bekend gemaakt door de franse controversiële komiek Dieudonné:
Pour ceux qui prétendent que la quenelle n’est pas un geste antisémite …
Pour ceux qui prétendent que la quenelle n’est pas un geste antisémite ..
Lees ook:
Le Crif: «Quenelle», comment un geste antisémite est devenu un emblème
Gerelateerde artikels: “France: Anti-Semitism Now Mainstream” – by Guy Millière – October 30, 2013
… “In recent months, an openly anti-Semitic black comedian, Dieudonné, presented a series of shows in the main cities of France and Belgium before large and enthusiastic audiences. One of his greatest hits is a song ridiculing the Holocaust and the “chosen people” : Shoah-Ananas (Holocaust-Pineapple). He popularized a gesture of greeting which he dubbed “quenelle” (a French dumpling), which echoes the Nazi salute. The “quenelle” salute consists of extending the right arm and straightening the hand, but the arm is lowered, and not raised at eye level. “Quenelle” is now used by many young people all over the country when they want to show what they think of Jews and Israel. Recently, pictures of French soldiers stationed outside a Paris synagogue and welcoming visitors with “quenelles” were published on several websites: a military investigation is now under way. The French Minister of Defense said that one should not attach “great importance” to what happened….”
Le Nouvel Obs: La quenelle de Dieudonné se propage à la télé et sur les réseaux : un phénomène inquiétant
Par Bruno Roger-Petit – Chroniqueur politique