(screenshot)Een must! Deze amerikaanse studente legt uit waarom Israel het recht heeft om te bestaan en waarom BDS en andere anti-zionistische en negationistische bewegingen leiden naar een nieuw antisemitisme.

“Pro-Israel Festival in New Orleans in 2014”

“God’s people have always been under the gun (even before there were guns). Evil has always sought to wipe out God’s people.
Nazi Germany was over 6 million Jews on the way to doing that in the 1940s. Out of that holocaust came the rebirth of the Jewish nation after almost 2,000 years.
But evil is still gunning (and bombing) for the nation of Israel. …

If you stand with Israel, you might want to consider attending Declare Your Freedom 2.0 in New Orleans next year.
I am a Christian, but I would not be one, were it not for the Jewish people. Through Abraham, all the peoples of the earth have been blessed.
By God’s grace, may I always stand with and be a friend of Israel.


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