Unveiling ceremony for Begin monument (Photo: Ahiya Raved)“Begin monument erected in Belarusian hometown” – Ynet – Ahiya Raved

One year after 100th anniversary of birth of Israel’s sixth prime minister, monument unveiled in city of Brest

One hundred years after he was born in the Belarusian city of Brest, Menachem Begin, the sixth prime minister of Israel, was commemorated with a memorial in the city center last week.

A day earlier, the Belarusian mail service launched a set of stamps with portraits of Zionist leaders born in the country. Among the Israeli leaders born in Belarus were Prime Ministers Begin and Shamir, Presidents Weizmann, Zalman Shazar, and Shimon Peres. ….

The statue was erected in the square next to the Jewish school that Begin attended as a child, and behind the main synagogue of Brest’s Jewish community which was transformed during the Communist years into a movie theater. Hundreds of Jews were rounded up in the square by the Nazis before they were led to their execution site on the river Bug.

As a child, Begin was twice forced to leave the city. Once during World War I, when the residents of the city were exiled, and again with the outbreak of World War II, when he served as the Betar representative to Poland, aiding students escape Europe and attempt immigration to Israel. His parents were murdered by the Nazis. His father was shot with 500 of the city’s Jews on the bank of the river Bug, while his mother found shelter at a hospital run by a family friend, but was executed with the rest of the patients when Nazis discovered them. After the Holocaust, only seven people, out of some 33,000 Jews in Brest, had escaped the Nazi genocide. ….


« Belarus: statue à la mémoire de Menahem Begin » i24news.tv

La statue a été érigée en l’honneur du centenaire de sa naissance à Brest-Litovsk, sa ville natale

La ville de Brest-Litovsk (Belarus), ville natale de Menahem Begin, a souhaité honorer la mémoire du sixième Premier Ministre de l’Etat d’Israël par une statue dans un square près de l’école juive de la ville fréquentée par Begin lorsqu’il était enfant. C’est également dans ce square que les nazis avaient rassemblé des centaines de Juifs avant de les exécuter. …


Ynetnews / i24news – foto: Onthulling ceremonie voor Begin monument [Ahiya Raved]