An anti-Semitic illustration on "The Untold History" Facebook page. Photo: Facebook.“Facebook Fails to Enforce ‘Community Standards’ for Vile Anti-Semitic Page” – The Algemeiner – Autor David Fischler

Facebook is the world’s largest social media website, one with hundreds of millions of users in well over a hundred countries. Despite its size, however, Facebook is not an entirely public forum on which “anything goes.” Rather, it is a worldwide gathering place where certain forms of speech and certain kinds of images are not allowed. …

…I was recently pointed in the direction of a Facebook page entitled The Untold History, run by a group out of Sweden that calls itself the European Knights Project, a partner of the Institute for Historical Review. On its masthead, it proclaims in all-caps that it is a “HISTORICAL SITE NON-POLITICAL,” but this is a sham. It is, in fact, a Holocaust denial site that not only presents bogus and falsified history, but also traffics in the vilest sort of anti-Semitism. …

…We reviewed the page you reported for containing hate speech or symbols and found it doesn’t violate our community standard on hate speech.” …

…”In an effort to put pressure on Facebook to act, I have set up a page called Protest “The Untold History” and Other Anti-Semitic Pages. Oddly enough, this page seems to have a problem with disappearing posts. But you can still “like” it to send a message. I have also contacted the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Anti-Defamation League to look into Facebook’s non-disapproval of hate speech directed at Jews. As the word gets out, hopefully the company will do some serious self-examination, and ask itself why it has such a difficult time seeing what is obvious to all but the most bigoted observer.

David Fischler is an Evangelical Presbyterian pastor and writer who blogs issues of religious and moral import, including anti-Semitism in the mainline churches, at

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The Algemeiner- foto: anti-Semitic illustration on “The Untold History” Facebook page [Facebook]