Threatening Israel – By JPOST EDITORIAL – 08/28/2013
‘If Damascus is attacked, Tel Aviv will burn,” a Syrian higher-up bristled this week. Israel, in light of such statements, cannot regard the escalating situation up north with the equanimity of a detached observer.
‘If Damascus is attacked, Tel Aviv will burn,” a Syrian higher-up bristled this week. Israel, in light of such statements, cannot regard the escalating situation up north with the equanimity of a detached observer.
There can be no passivity when a coterie of evil powers hurls deadly threats at Israel in the context of a struggle in which it is uninvolved. …
In a fairer existence, this alone ought to have unsettled the international community. But it is futile to expect fair-mindedness where Israel is concerned.
The anti-Israel bluster from Damascus, Tehran and Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon appear to have disturbed none of the foreign statesmen or opinion-molders, whose alacrity to condemn Israel for any perceived transgression is nothing short of remarkable.
Moreover, the veiled hints from Moscow about dire repercussions for the entire region in the event of an American attack on the Assad regime might imply warnings of punishment for Israel.
Lees ook: Een mogelijke oorlog in Syrië kan volgens Iraanse inschatting ook een bedreiging voor Israël vormen. Israël spreekt op zijn beurt stoere taal. [HLN]
Gerelateerde artikels: “Assad speaks: Syria will defend itself against aggression” – Syrian President Bashar Assad says Syria is ready to repel any attack from the West; Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi declares Syria must begin to prepare national resources in event of US strike.[JPost]
JPost / HLN – foto: Syrische President Bashar Assad [ REUTERS/SANA/Handout]