The story of Jews - illustratieVanaf zondag 1 september de 5-delig documentaire “The story of the Jewish” om 22u00 – herhaling dinsdag 3 september om 0u50

BBC Two – Episode 1 of 5 – Duration: 1 hour

The story of the Jewish experience begins 3,000 years ago with the emergence of a tribal people in a contested land and their extraordinary book, the Hebrew Bible, a chronicle of their stormy relationship with a faceless, formless, jealous God. It was loyalty to this ‘God of Words’ that defined the distinct identity of the ancient Jews and preserved it despite all that history could throw their way – war, invasion, deportation, enslavement, exile and assimilation. …

The story unfolds with a dazzling cast of historical characters: Sigmund Freud dying in exile in London; Victorian evangelicals and explorers following ‘in the footsteps’ of Moses; Jewish mercenaries living, prospering and intermarrying in the pagan land of Egypt; Messianic Jews dreaming of the Apocalypse; and a Jewish historian, Josephus, who witnessed first-hand the moment when the apocalypse finally came and the Romans destroyed the Jewish High Temple in Jerusalem.

Wikipedia info over de Britse historicus Simon Schama:NL:;
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