Richar FalkUN’s Falk gives voice to 9/11 conspiracy theory; host’s website blames “Zio-Nazis”

“UN Chief Ban Ki-moon and Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay must speak out”

Controversial UN human rights official Richard Falk has once again given voice to the 9/11 conspiracy theory, in an interview with “Truth Jihad Radio”, sparking calls for the world body’s highest officials to rebuke his “inflammatory” and “offensive” comments.

Radio host Kevin Barrett, who also questions the Holocaust, said that 9/11 was “a false flag attack designed to launch a war on Islam,” and asked Falk if, ….


“given the fact that four out of five Muslims say it was an inside job, we can approach this from a human rights perspective, saying that it’s Islamophobic to accept the official story without questioning it. ” Falk answered: “Yes, you can certainly argue that.”

UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer called on UN chief Ban Ki-moon, UN Human Rights Council president Remigiusz Henczel, and High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay to reprimand Falk.

Ban condemned Falk in 2011 for similar remarks, and in April for his remarks on the Boston Marathon bombings. However, the UNHRC president and Ms. Pillay have so far refused to criticize Falk, and both the council and Pillay’s office continue to support his activities.

Lees ook: “AJC urges removal of UN’s Richard Falk for controversial Boston comments” – Op de foto: Richard Falk