ACAA is a technical trade agreement that would further open the European market to Israel’s cutting-edge pharmaceuticals.
We all agree that Europeans should have access to the best and most affordable healthcare possible. Unfortunately, some Members of the European Parliament think otherwise.
For the past two years, Europe’s legislative body has been holding up ACAA, an agreement that harmonizes the quality control for pharmaceutical products in Israel and the EU, thus allowing drug companies to more expediently provide patients with new, life-saving drugs at lower prices. The European Council has already given its consent and the arguments in opposition have been proven wrong. No legitimate obstacle remains. Nevertheless, Europeans continue to wait at the expense of their healthcare.


Israeli pharmaceutical companies are among the most innovative in the world and they are leaders in the generic market, an industry that saves national health services in Europe billions every year. If ACAA does not pass, European access to these medicines will be delayed and the cost will likely rise.

The time has come for European Parliamentarians to start putting patients before politics!

Sign this online petition to send that message to your democratics representatives in Brussels

The website for the campaign is